
2023年4月9日—Nietzschearguedthatdogmaticbeliefsandvaluesareoftenbasedonfaithortraditionratherthanreasonorempiricalevidence,whichmeans ...,由JHudia著作·2009—Nietzschewantsdogmatismtoendandtherearegoodgroundsforhopingthatall...NietzscheclaimeddogmaticPlatonismsetthestagefordogmaticChristianity ...,Philosophicaldogmatismisconsidered“childishnessandtyronism”byNietzsche.Henotesthatancientsuperstiti...

Nietzsche's Critique of Dogma

2023年4月9日 — Nietzsche argued that dogmatic beliefs and values are often based on faith or tradition rather than reason or empirical evidence, which means ...

beyond truth and falsity

由 J Hudia 著作 · 2009 — Nietzsche wants dogmatism to end and there are good grounds for hoping that all ... Nietzsche claimed dogmatic Platonism set the stage for dogmatic Christianity ...

Notes on Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil

Philosophical dogmatism is considered “childishness and tyronism” by Nietzsche. He notes that ancient superstitions like belief in a “soul” have been re- ...

Nietzsche - UC Press E

Dogmatism, Pluralism, Certainty, and Intellectual Conscience. The intellectual conscience thus consists neither in the will to truth as utility nor in ...

The Moral Project of Nietzsche's "Beyond Good and Evil"

2019年6月26日 — [3] Nietzsche critiques not only Plato but many modern philosophers for engaging in similar dogmatism by striving to demonstrate the existence ...

Afternoon Thoughts. Nietzsche and the Dogmatism of ...

In conceiving of the soul as a “society constructed out of drives and affects”, Nietzsche understands the “I” as nothing more than a “conceptual synthesis”6, a ...

The Objective Viewpoint

由 F Appel 著作 · 1996 · 被引用 7 次 — Berkowitz: Nietzsche's understanding of dogmatism is rooted in the deeply aristocratic view that only the Tiigher type of man' is fit to hear, and live in.

Is Nietzsche's philosophy just as dogmatic as Christianity ...

2019年1月13日 — Is Nietzsche's philosophy just as dogmatic as Christianity, in that it forces everything under the perspective of things being life-denying or ...